1079 Commonwealth Avenue * Boston, MA 02215 * 617.228.8853 * info@purepilatesboston.com
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Deep Breathing for Energy
Deep breathing helps re-energize your body giving you that boost you need to get through the rest of your day. It’s better than coffee or whatever energy drink suits your fancy because its natural and you’re not filling your body with caffeinated toxins for that extra boost that always ends in a crash. Not convinced? Try it for yourself and see!
Deep Breathing 101
Get comfortable. If you’re in your office and you have a door, shut it. If you are in a cube put your headphones on for a couple minutes and tune out. Find some place where you won’t be interrupted and find a comfortable position that you can stay still in for 10 minutes.
Close your eyes. Using imagery helps ease your mind and stop the million things that are circling around within it. This is your time to relax. Find a place or a thing that relaxes you and go there. Use all your senses to be there, smell it, feel it, touch it, hear it and breathe.
Start your Breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Allow your breathe to be long and relaxed. Don’t force all your air in or out. Let it come naturally. Let this breathe take you to your place of relaxation for 10 minutes.
As a busy bee myself, I find that these 10 minutes of deep breathing help me stay alert, focused and calm throughout my day. Try it yourself and see how it works for you!
Melissa Dupuis
PURE Pilates Coordinator & Trainer
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Staying Fit during Vacation
Last minute vacations before the summer ends? Stay fit while you travel!
Well its August, almost time to send the kids back to school, or go back to school yourself. Maybe you’re thinking of taking one last vacation before its back to reality and fall begins. Sounds like a plan – however don’t let your vacation plans spoil your hard work at the gym. Make a plan for yourself on how you’re going to fit in your workout routine on your vacation to avoid any setbacks. Here’s how!
Step #1 Plan ahead
Going on vacation is a time to re-energize and refresh your body and your mind, however it’s not a break from being healthy so don’t give up the good stuff like exercising! Wherever you end up choosing to go, make sure you are able to fit in some exercise in this vacation spot. And exercise isn’t just on the treadmill – try running on the beach or some Pilates or yoga!
Step #2 – Prepare yourself for your travels with healthy snacks
Traveling is always fun – but when we get hungry where’s the first place we go – to the snack bar! These places don’t always offer the most nutritious options. When traveling, whether by plane, train or car pack some healthy snacks for you and your traveling buddies so you can stay healthy and energized for your plans ahead! A cooler packed with fruits, veggies and nuts and heart healthy sandwiches like whole wheat turkey are a great choice! Not to mention saving a little bit of money!
Step # 3 – Dining out no-no’s
We all like to splurge and go out to eat when we’re on vacation – but that doesn’t mean you have to eat everything in sight. Try to opt for the lighter foods and stay away from the fried, creamy foods. If you indulge, indulge in moderation; one scoop of ice cream instead of the whole tub, or a lighter tropical drink instead of 5. You’ll not only feel better but you won’t feel as guilty and may I also mention that you’ll still look great in that bikini!
When packing it’s easy to say, “Oops I forgot my workout clothes guess I can’t exercise!” Think again! Pack your running shoes and your gym gear and you’re more likely to get that sweat session on your vacation to keep up your hard work and not miss a beat.
Try these on your next road trip and you’ll look fabulous before and after your trip! Happy travels!
Information taken from www.fitsugar.com “5 Ways to Stay Fit While on Vacation”